Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Exercise 1.

Pick up the verbs from the following sentences.
1.   I do not want to disturb you.
2.   He did not keep his promise.
3.   They are doing their work nicely.
4.   We have been waiting for you since morning.
5.   Are you not be-fooling me?
6.   Who was knocking at the door when I was sleeping in my bed room?
7.   Why are you making a noise?
8.   Where were you going at the dead of night yesterday?
9.   I have been doing my home for five minutes.
10.  What are you doing at this time in this jungle?
1.   Do not want
2.   Did not keep
3.   Are doing
4.   Have been waiting
5.   Are not befooling
6.   Was knocking,  was sleeping
7.   Are making
8.   Were going
9.   Have been doing
10. Are doing
Exercise 2.
Pick up the auxiliary verbs from the following sentences.
1.   I have seen you doing mischief.
2.   I shall go to Mumbai tomorrow.
3.   He had finished his work before I went to meet him.
4.   I will have finished my home work when you come to meet me tomorrow.
5.   It will be raining when you go on picnic tomorrow.
6.   It shall have been raining for 2 hours in the evening tomorrow.
7.   All the people were holding a meeting at the town hall.
8.   Have they not been celebrating their annual function for the last two years?
9.   The fishermen have gone too far away in the sea.
10. The cold winds are blowing fast today.
1.  Have
2.  Shall
3.  Had
4.  Will
5.  Will
6.  Shall
7.  Were
8.  Have
9.  Have
10. are